
Firstly may I thank all of you who have given me feedback in many different forms, some of which I share below.  You are all a blessing to me and I'm grateful to be part of your journeys!

"Thank you so much for the wonderful webinar! It was sublime, as always! I so love your use of words, which have an healing vibration all of their own!"

"It was incredible!! I couldn’t even speak for quite some long time after!! Wow Korani! So much appreciation for all that you bring to us!!"

"That was SUCH a resource for me, just what I needed.  Your words are stunning as ever and the space you hold clear and light, facilitating beautifully."

"Your wisdom and connection is far-reaching indeed!  Thanks for being part of what has been a very important healing process in my life."

"Dear Korani, a huge and heartfelt thank you for all you bring to this planet and the bright light you shine as I find my way home."

"Loved loved loved today.  So magical.  THANK YOU."

"Thank you for yet another beautiful, mind-expanding workshop this weekend! It has been truly phenomenal from start to finish! I feel full to bursting with Starlight energy!"

"Once again thank you dear Korani for sharing your beautiful light and deep wisdom."

"It was such a delicious weekend in so many ways, eternally grateful for all that you us we share in this amazing world together."
"Having watched, and benefited from, your exponential growth from a very high starting point over the past few years, the only word left is 'Wow!' You consistently deliver ever more amazingness!"

"Korani is such an amazing teacher, who teaches above all, by example. Her flexibility, patience, intuitive followings of nudges during the Course are so appreciated and help to make being a participant on any of her courses so magical. Korani is a fount of wisdom. She holds all the answers, and yet, is able to convey the information in such an easy and accessible way. She keeps the courses light, on focus, varied, so interesting, and moving at just the right pace. Our Teachers Course with Korani was inspirational. The exercises were all so amazing, and we all gained so many deep insights from them all. Our sharing's were then enhanced by Korani's additional reflections. Always understanding, always supportive, Korani gently guided us through, filling us with confidence and a feeling of Yes, we can do this! She imparted so much information to us all, that we now do have everything we need in order to start on our own teaching path. As always, Korani holds the mirror to all the light we hold within, and for that I will be forever grateful. Thank you so much dear Korani."

"Thank you deeply for the wonderful course Korani. It really is very special, and we so appreciate it. It is a course that continues, and we will keep referring back to and endeavouring to live it in our everyday lives and incorporate it within us. You have really given us all SO much. We have so much to be grateful to you for. I can call on so many sources of light and love now - thanks to you. In order to then spread that light and love I hope into this world."

"I have just listened to the (Accessing Your Inner Gold) webinar now. Such perfect timing for us all as a collective and I found myself smiling all the way through it as such a joy to hear your refined wisdom, elegance and graciousness coming through in the meditations, inquiry questions and grid-work. The power of any lasting change/impact on an individual, as you well know, is how you leave someone feeling and your work really gets to the heart of what it means to radiate from within. There is such acceptance, love and compassion in how you be and that ripples out in a truly magical way. I call it the "wow" factor...operating without walls!"

"Korani, what a beautiful space you hold for us all to experience the magic of divine energy. My gratitude and love is truly abundant as well as joy in being part of your workshops. Whether it’s Colour Mirrors and the Archangels, your wonderfully Divine Starlights or your programme ‘Being Light’ you create a field of energy that links heaven and earth and connects us to our Higher Self and Earth Self. And the Divine Within."

"Thank you so very much for this truly wonderful course!! I loved every minute of it. When I was on the Course Zoom sessions, I felt so wonderful inside and out.  It made me feel so radiant!! Just to be in your presence, and that of everyone else on the course, Colour Mirrors and with all the inspiration that you conveyed with your words and wisdom. Your facilitation of the sharing of everyone is always so calm, flowing, responsive and illuminating. Your meditations and visualizations are boundless and take us to boundless places. We are freed.  We experience and understand. We are honoured. The wonderful Sources of Light - filling us up through your expert guidance. Sources of inspiration for us to return to, again and again.  For the rest of our lives.  What an astounding gift! Above all, thank you so very much for what you helped us all to achieve - a growing light and love within us all - for us all to share and to help to bring in this New Earth. As always - thank you so much wonderful Korani, and I send you much appreciation and love."

"I am so grateful to you and willingly join the group experience which only heightens the experience as we embody ourselves, the energy of divine beings here to support us and what you channel through for us."
"The Archangel workshop was so perfect, seamlessly moving from heart to body, mind to spirit with the truly wonderful Raphael, Uriel, Michael and Gabriel. The meditations took us on an inward journey to such depths that reminded us of how much love and support light beings hold for us, especially our wonderful Colour Mirrors Archangels and the entire system. Words really don’t capture the experience and the process."
"It’s the being in the here and now that you offer so beautifully, opening us up to a space that enables our own connection to show us what our soul wants us to know. With love beyond words and a joy that radiates; I thank You."
"Korani Light Centre and Korani Connolly can open doors in your life you might have never seen before and take you to new places spiritually.  The "Spiritual Fitness" Intensive Training Series captivated and fascinated me so much on my first listen that I intend to explore it again and again as I dive deeper into colour therapy through Korani's several books.  There's something very magical and powerful about the work Korani is doing, and I'm grateful to have begun my journey in discovering it.  Everyone deserves to know about how their color choices influence and reflect their lives!"

"I wanted to just say a HUGE thank you for looking after us all so well. You are a magical teacher!! Our time was extraordinary ... What learnings and insights. And thank you to the CM bottles to do their powerful work - they do so much by themselves and we can just BE."

"Just to let you know that I have been using the bottles with clients lots, and they have been so healing. They are totally part of my repertoire now!"

"What an amazing weekend.  I still have no idea what happened, just that it was ‘job done’, and since then have a sense of inner joy."

"Huge shifts, spiritual learnings and personal enlightenment. Thank you for the journey."

"Korani, THANK YOU!!! It was a brilliant day, and that was all down to you! You have a special gift, thanks for sharing it. I always feel in awe to be surrounded by such beautiful light beings at your workshops. You are truly inspiring."

"I just wanted to say a very heartfelt THANK YOU to you for the guidance, support, enouragement, wisdom and love you have given to me over the last couple of years.  You lit up stepping stones along my path just when I needed  them most and showed me the way forward."

"You are a great teacher.  I learn every time.  Thank you for teaching me about LIGHT.  About what it is.  It's beauty.  Most important of all, how to see it.  I understand much more about the universe by being in your rainbow of students."

"Thanks for a truly AMAZING workshop. I am still lost for words.  There are no words really to describe the depth and awesomeness of all I experienced."

"Thank you SO MUCH for a fantastic weekend. I really love your energy! And the way you present the bottles - both in words, action and energetically.  Thank you for sharing all this!"

"I have had two lightbulb moments since the workshop where a brilliant idea to help me move my business forward has just popped into my head - amazing.  I am fine tuning my words and focus.  This puts me in a space where I feel more in the flow of  life and it's a gentle space.  The workshop has given me a focus and a structure for life and I am truly grateful.  Thank you Korani."

"Wow, what to say! All I can feel, think or Be is HOME ...and when I came home I saw the shift in all of my children and those they'd touched on Sunday and it fills my heart to see the far reaching ripples of becoming, so beautifully flowing out.  Heaven/Home being here on earth is the truth, the reality, and we are making manifest the spirit; maybe more accurate to say we are anchoring the light that shows all it is all one. I can hold that more fully now.  I feel so blessed to have been with you all, to be with you all ...and so very blessed and grateful to share."

"Korani, thank you for an amazing workshop. Still reeling from it and buzzing with excitement."

"Thank you so very much for an amazing weekend, it was truly life transforming.  How did I ever live my life without Colour Mirrors and all the wonderful people I have met?   You really have brought colour and joy into my life."

"You are a terrifically gifted teacher, lightworker and a truly marvellous facilitator, second to none."

"The weekend was a treat for my body soul and spirit.  It nourished me on all these levels and helped me move to my next stepping stone in life as well as being great fun, meeting new people and sharing new information, and helping Mother Earth and others to heal and shine. How can it get any better than that! ~ BLISS!"

"The most powerful healing energies I've ever felt always seem to come through you, Korani."

"Can't really put into words what your workshop did for me. It was more about being in your presence - such a pure energy.  You are so special and such a bright shining light - I have realised how powerful one person's self acceptance and love is by spending time with you and I'm so grateful!!"

"Am I glad I included you in my soul plan and that you agreed!  I don’t know how to thank you for everything.   I am so grateful.  To have been able to connect with you, the beautiful colour mirrors and the energy was a such a gift. Thank you for creating and holding the space and enabling me to heal so much.  The relief is huge for me. Life will be easier now  that I have a greater understanding."

"Thank you for an awesome experience at the Advanced Colour. During my spiritual journey over the last 18 months, I have not experienced so many shifts as I did in the last 48 hours.  Now I know why I had to be there!  I got so much from the course, Korani, thank you."

"You have such an amazing gift for teaching and imparting knowledge.  I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.  My healings have been such an insight not always comfortable but just where I needed to go.  Thank you so much for our 4 days which will remain foremost in my heart, forever life has changed, and vision from another perspective. So many "AHA" moments."

"You are a very special person for helping us all to grow and blossom into our authentic selves."

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your time and your beautiful energy and light!  I don't believe I could have rounded off this year with a more amazing, satisfying and exciting experience.  I am in awe of this extraordinary gift that has been presented to me.  I have so much joy in my heart; I can hear my soul sing.  I felt so much at home in our group during those four days, and felt so sad to leave you all!"

"I just wanted you to know that the words on your site, plus the energy within it, has given me much enthusiasm and motivation to go for it!  Thanks, Korani, for creating your website....Even when you aren't actually with people in person, your beautiful and postive healing energy and Light is reaching out across the Web."

"Thank you so much Korani.  It was wonderful to spend time with your amazing energy, I can not put into words how grateful I am that my journey had brought me to you."

"Lots of changes are taking place since Saturday.  We are feeling so different.  This morning my partner woke up and said he felt exhilarated and light. He said your day of Light Language was the best day for him.  People have been telling me since the weekend how relaxed and calm I look and that's just how I feel. Thank you Korani for sharing your knowledge wisdom and love.  We all want more of your powerful gentle energy."

"Thank you for a wonderful day at your Light Language Experience workshop. It was a magical day full of beautiful energies, fun and much laughter.  I felt intoxicated by the beautiful, higher energies that radiate around you!  You seem to bring out the best in me!  I am still buzzing from the experience.  It has been a while since I had so much fun - these workshops sustain me. I still feel on a high."

Just a quick note to say what an amazing day that was on Sunday - such a precious space was created with incredible energy - thank you. I feel a mixture of awe and privilege to have been part of it."

"I really love the energy that shines through everything you do, that comes along with every newsletter and e-mail from you... And Colour Mirrors is such a wonderful system / tool / gift... It's absolutely the strongest thing in its kind that I've ever worked with."

"Advanced Colour was mind blowing, brilliant, fabulous, amazing!  Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou doesn't really seem to cut it.  What an amazing woman you are and I am so, so grateful for all the play you dedicate to Colour Mirrors. I cannot believe the spaces I occupied over the weekend, just incredible. Bless you, bless you, bless you!"

"Words cannot fully express what you have done for me and brought about in me since the beginning of my Colour Mirrors journey with you this time last year, major changes have definitely taken place and are continuing to do so.  You are truly an empathetic, Spirit-filled, loving person and it is a privilege to know and to be able to 'connect' with you. "

"My love and thanks for a wonderful exchange last Thursday ... I have been so empowered, so serene since and I thank you for this wonderful gift.  Thank you for being there when I needed you, for having the courage and the energy to follow your calling for the benefit of us all."

"What a truly wonderful day you gave us all on Saturday!  Thank you, thank you - it really surpassed all expectations and I am so grateful for being shown a way forward.  The whole day became a total revealation, it  was a true gift.  Thank you again so very much for all your care and love and insight."
Further Testimonials on the Starlights and Starlight workshops here.