What is Colour Mirrors?Colour Mirrors is a system of colour which uses potent and powerful coloured oils and essences to help you understand your life, your patterns of behaviour and your relationships. Colour can bring clarity into every aspect of your life including job, career, healing, health issues, energy blocks, gifts and potential, spiritual connection and personal growth.
Each of the beautiful bottles in the Colour Mirrors range has its own meaning, its own 'note' or vibration. As you look at the colours, you will find some that call you, drawing you in. Others will intrigue you, and some you may not like at all! Because you are unique, your 'mirrors' will be different to those of anyone else, and what they can reveal to you will also be unique. Each time you select a Colour Mirrors bottle it can show you clearly and with great precision who you are and where you are at, offering insight and guidance for your life. Your individual response to each bottle reveals issues, blocks, past life patterning and hidden aspects of your psyche. Perhaps most potent of all, however, colour is a mirror to show you the truth of the light you really are. Colour mirrors to you your infinite beingness, your greatness and your inner beauty.
Colour Mirrors is the creation of Melissie Jolly, a psychologist and colour therapist with many years of experience working with and teaching about colour and a profound ability to connect in with the deeper truths of life and make them available to us.
How Does It Work?Colour is light and light is life. This system, with its many hues and frequencies of colour and energy, mirrors the many facets of you. Using it, you are assisted to shift old, outdated beliefs, patterns or habits which no longer serve you. The coloured oils and essences are effective in helping you make changes because they have a direct effect on your energy body, bypassing the conscious mind and assisting you to dissolve and release blocks and resistance you have been holding. All the bottles carry a unique healing vibration which interacts with your energy field. As you connect with, hold or bathe in the coloured oils and essences you allow their energy signature to interact with your own, bringing about subtle – and sometimes profound - changes.
"Been having some wonderful results using the bottles and sprays. Profound things happening for people. So grateful to be able to work in this way. Combining it brilliantly with reflexology too. Everyone is loving cuddling their bottles! Their choices have also confirmed what I thought was going on with them so its giving me much more confidence too and starting to trust and use my intuition more. The magic keeps happening." ~EN
Colour is a powerful tool to assist us in translating what we receive as energy into a tangible physical form that our bodies can understand and to which they can respond. Our bodies love to experience energy but they love it even more when it is something they can see, smell and touch! When our conscious mind is out of the way, our bodies, hearts and those 'higher' aspects of ourselves are able to access the potency and power of energy and to make shifts easily and with grace. People often choose bottles and say things like: “I don’t even know why I’m choosing this bottle, these are not the colours I’d normally go for but I just have to have it for some reason!”. As we then discuss and explore the meaning of their bottle and colour choices with them, light bulbs go on. I’ve had all sorts of people train with me to use the bottles in their healing or therapy practices and what gets everyone is how quickly they take us to the heart of the issue, how accurate they are and how effective is the use of the bottles on every level.
"Every encounter with Colour Mirrors is a WOW moment!" ~ JK
How Do We Use Colour Mirrors?
Colour Mirrors oils have a powerful impact, whether used in meditation, on your body or in a healing bath. The luscious nurturing oils soak deep into the skin to reach your body at a cellular level, imparting their messages of love, inspiration and empowerment. Many people find that even holding the bottles is a rich experience.
Colour Mirrors essences bring instant support, whether you spritz them around your body and aura, use some in a bath and soak in their loving energy, or use to enhance meditation. Spray into your hands and breathe in the beautiful scents to make your experience a multi-sensory one.
The oils and essences are not just useful and supportive, however, they are also high frequency vibrational energy tools to support us in our shift to expanded levels of awareness and higher consciousness.
As a therapist or practitioner, colour brings many benefits. It can be added to any other form of healing or therapy work and not only acts swiftly to identify issues or blocks but also provides an additional and powerful tool to assist your clients to overcome those blocks. Using the system, whether through readings, healing or bathing in the beautiful coloured oils and essences you are assisted to shift what does not serve you and to reconnect with your own highest truth.
"Transformational, thank you so much. Moved me to a new dimension." ~ CF
One Colour Mirrors practitioner describes the bottles as “emotional scaffolding”! They certainly do provide amazing support as well as being incredibly useful in identifying what is going on in your life. One of my clients commented that the bottles are aptly named as they really do provide such a clear mirror: “There is no hiding before the truth Readings with the bottles are so precise that they leave me in inmense awe.”
Colour Mirrors Bottles
If you'd like to enhance your life through colour the whole vast and beautiful range of oils and essences is available to purchase.
Anyone can work with these tools for growth and transformation.
Visit Colour Mirrors Bottles to view the full range of oils and essences visit the Shop to purchase.
Colour in Your Life
There are endless ways to connect with the Colour Mirrors bottles. At times such as these when everything around us - including the very earth we stand upon - is changing every day, when we are bombarded with solar flares and cosmic downloads of energy, when we are undergoing shifts, changes and upgrades to our energy circuits on an ongoing basis, the Colour Mirrors bottles are instant, powerful support for the physical body. They also allow for easy integration of all that is occuring on an energy level.You may choose to have a range of essences on your desk as you work, an oil bottle in your bathroom to tip into a bath or to massage into your skin after a shower, perhaps a bottle by your bed to work with you while you sleep. You can spritz the wonderfully scented essences in your aura, around the house or even in the garden.
You could just sit with a collection of bottles, arranging them and rearranging them into a shape, mandala or pattern, adding or taking bottles away, playing with shape and formation until something clicks into place within you. Your conscious mind doesn't even need to know what is happening - the more it is out of the way the better, in fact! What often happens is that your energy will shift, you will experience a resolution or a sense of peace or calm or even feel energy being transmitted to you to receive.
Colour Wisdom
We often use Colour Mirrors bottles in conjunction with questions, especially in client sessions or workshops. Asking a question and then choosing a bottle to give insight and understanding about the question is an empowering, inspiring - and fun - way to receive guidance from your own higher levels of consciousness. It is one of the great gifts of Colour Mirrors: that it empowers you to know what you already know! It is not about anyone else telling you the answer or about seeking wisdom from outside of yourself. Every bottle is simply a mirror what is already within you and by allowing yourself to select from these mirrors you reveal to yourself more and more of who you are.
You could ask a question such as: "What would my life look like if ...." or "What would I choose if I knew I couldn't make a wrong choice in my life?" and then see which of the bottles calls to you (there may be more than one, and that is fine!). By reading the message of the bottle(s), you will invariably get an 'aha!' moment or insight to guide you on your way.
"It always amazes me how seamless it is on CM courses, how the bottles appear one after the next, and readings or healings one after the next and they always seem to flow deeper and or lighter into the same issues until cleared." ~DE
Books and Resources about Colour Mirrors
"The Wisdom of Colour Mirrors" is an in-depth exploration of every bottle in the system and it is available in the Online Shop.
Visit the Books page to find out more.
"I now use colour with Matrix Reimprinting and it shifts so quickly... phenomenal. I now am having healers coming to me and they're saying "Wow, this is fantastic" and spreading the word. I've been waiting for this, seems like for ever." ~JS
"It was amazing... I feel such a deep sense of peace that I've never felt before... such a fantastic workshop with beautiful people and the incredible and powerful Colour Mirrors magic. Thank you Korani for sharing that with us." ~ SK
"Many many thanks for a truly amazing experience. I went into the process with no expectations or ideas, just with a completely open mind and heart, and WOW it blew me away. I would recommend it to anybody." ~ KP
"Feel that things are shifting, but then they usually do for me as I am constantly working on myself. The difference with the oils is that it's like "emotional scaffolding" while the stuff is pushing out and also high vibration and very powerful. I love them!" ~ PE
Colour Mirrors Training Courses
If you would like to explore the amazing power of colour and Colour Mirrors, teachers around the world offer introductory, practitioner and teacher workshops.
Visit the Colour Mirrors website for further information: www.colourmirrors.com