Scroll down until you find 'your' colours for today... Enjoy.
(Please note: this page is not interactive and nothing will happen if you click on the bottle images - they are simply for your viewing pleasure).
To view the full range of bottles and to explore their meanings further, visit Colour Mirrors Bottles.
I am Red
Vibrant, exciting, energised, dynamic, passionate, talkative, powerful, sexy, sultry, shocking, striking, stylish, confident, wealthy, abundant, dramatic
I am Pink
Pretty, loving, caring, mothering, sweet, romantic, feminine, listening, charming, grace-filled, friendly, heart-centred, benign, peaceful, comforting
I am Coral
Nurturing, soft, gentle, deep, sensitive, rich, sensual, exotic, playful, loving, wise, accepting, honouring, rich, joyful, abundant, generous, fun
I am Orange
Vibrant, gregarious, outrageous, joyful, delightful, happy, sunny, radiant, blissful, creative, extrovert, courageous, fiery, flirty, fearless, glowing, irreverent, jaunty
I am Gold
Powerful, authentic, wise, abundant, wealthy, beautiful, shimmering, valuable, priceless, inspiring, solid, true, shiny, bright, radiant, glowing, aware, awake, alight, futuristic, visionary
I am Yellow
Sunny, shiny, joyful, child-like, fun, playful, clever, bright, intelligent, tenacious, light-hearted, optimistic, cheerful, good-natured, welcoming, engaging
I am Olive
Soft, serene, tranquil, generous, nurturing, supportive, hopeful, creative, inspiring, feminine, fecund, fertile, loving, fresh, spring-like, tender, natural, nature-loving, earthy
I am Green
Growing, expansive, spacious, peaceful, restful, harmonious, balanced, trusting, heart-felt, gracious, flexible, changeable, pacifying, natural, aligned
I am Turquoise
Fast, flowing, vivacious, clear, sharp, bright, sparkling, keen, alert, communicative, creative, intuitive, enquiring, expressive, beguiling, whimsical, inpsiring, knowledgeable, exacting
I am Blue
Steady, ordered, settled, masculine, logical, dependable, strong, trustworthy, protective, safe, caring, communicative, expressive, creative, peaceful
I am Royal Blue
Mystical, intuitive, enchanting, powerful, authoritative, mysterious, fascinating, stellar, wise
I am Platinum
Limitless, vast, expansive, cosmic, galactic, intuitive, mysterious, unknowable, fathomless, magical, gracious, enabling, allowing, reflective, transcendent
I am Violet
Connected, spirit-centred, patient, mystical, potent, transformational, serving, selfless, giving, supportive, guiding, ready
I am Magenta
Magnificent, majestic, magnanimous, spontaneous, Divine, rejoicing, healing, responding, giving, present, potent, beneficent, reliable, expansive
I am Copper
Earthy, grounded, sorted, connected, stable, coherent, balanced, rounded, mothering, calm, deep, fulfilled
I am White
Pure, clear, grace-filled, light, shining, sparkling, reflective, innocent, perceptive, free, dazzling, luminous, transparent, exceptional, awe-inspiring
Colours are so much more than this of course, and cannot be accurately captured by words and labels - just like you.
I hope nevertheless that you will enjoy exploring the moods and feelings of each colour and discovering new words and expressions to add to each colour as you delve more deeply into the bottles and their messages.
If you'd like to find out more about the language of colour, visit the Colour Mirrors page and consider coming on a Workshop.
If you'd like to find out more about the language of colour, visit the Colour Mirrors page and consider coming on a Workshop.