2. The Language of Light

The Language of Light: Golden Keys to Ascension is a template, a blueprint for living your light right here on the planet. It contains energetic passwords to a life of joy and inspiration - if you're willing to discover them and live them. It is a path to inspiration, joy, compassion and most of all, ease.
It is a transmission of Divine energy carried to you on the frequency of love. This book will guide and assist you in remembering the Language of Light, the long-forgotten language of your soul and will reconnect you with its message, that you are Divine, whole and perfect - and have always been so.
In addition you will be introduced to seven Golden Keys, potentised golden oils infused with light, which align perfectly with the information and energy transmissions of the book. Together, the Language of Light and the seven Golden Keys form an Ascension “power pack”, taking you on a journey of awareness and awakening as you connect with them.
The seven Golden Keys are: Faith, Impeccability, Generosity, I Am, Grace, Ascension Light and Satori. In the Colour Mirrors system these are Golden Gaia bottles G9 to G15 and if you wish to add these Golden bottles to the process of transformation offered by the book, you can view or purchase these bottles here.
Find out more about The Language of Light