20. S7 The Hearth
The hearth within you is the heart – the place of nourishment, nurturing, gathering, connection, community, oneness and warmth. This bottle is a profound shock absorber, surrounding you with love.
The hearth within you is the heart – the place of nourishment, nurturing, gathering, connection, community, oneness and warmth. This is the nourishment you have been seeking from others, from relationships, from food, from addictions. Here it is given freely and offered with huge love and no conditions at all so that it might fill you up on every level. This bottle is a profound shock absorber, embracing you in your wholeness and surrounding your small self with such deep love that you remember again the beauty and perfection of your innocent heart and return to the hearth of pure love, the home that resides within you.
The hearth is where you are restored to grace so that you might ignite the flame within your heart and spread the fire of innocence far and wide. The word hearth contains the words heat and heart, earth and ear. When you sink into its warmth and pause to listen, it offers you comfort and love, support and inspiration. You come to the hearth to honour the Divine in yourself, in others, in the earth and the sky. You give from the hearth of your inherent goodness, your humbleness, your truth. You receive the benevolence of the fire of creation. You love and are loved. All is well.