Colour Magic with Melissie and Korani

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Cerne Abbas, Dorset

21-22 June 2025

Melissie and I are delighted to be coming together again to offer a new workshop in the wonderful village of Cerne Abbas, Dorset, UK - at the summer solstice, no less!

After the wonderful insights and connections we made through the 'Inside and Out' journey with the Colour Mirrors oil bottles, the essences are calling!

The workshop will feature the essences in a way we've not connected with them before. The essences are such potent, powerful, light-fuelled healing tools for our time that we know we are going to create colour magic together!

This will be a truly special weekend for anyone who knows and loves Colour Mirrors.

Further details here

Spiritual Fitness Online Course

Spiritual Fitness bannerI'm excited to announce that Melissie and I will be offering our Spiritual Fitness online course from 7th-9th April!

Over the course of three sessions over three days we will flow through the 36 'Wisdom' bottles from the Colour Mirrors system, bringing fresh insights, information and downloads.

Each day we will cover 12 bottles, giving you our 'up to the minute' insights on each one, showing how each can not only help you heal and release old patterns but also how you can grow, evolve and transform as you raise your level of awareness and consciousness.

This course is for ANYONE who feels called to be there!

Whether you're a seasoned Colour Mirrors expert or new to colour or somewhere in between, there will be something here for you.

With a blend of information, conversation and meditative experiences, you will upgrade your spiritual 'fitness' with this course.

Full details here

We are offering a special early-bird booking rate of just £99 if booked and paid by 31 March 2025.

Living in Flow Online Course

Living in Flow 3a
Online: 7th, 14th, 21st May

What does it mean to live in flow?

How do we experience it in our daily lives?

How do we find it when we're feeling stuck?

With the support and guidance of the brilliant Colour Mirrors system, we'll find out!

Come and join me for this journey into lightness, expansion, peace, flow and inspiration!

Further information and booking here

Korani Light Centre

There has never been a more potent time to step into greater awareness, expand your view of the world, open to the possibilities the universe has to share with you and free yourself from perceived limitations. If you are ready to engage more fully with the Divine being you truly know yourself to be,  the world of colour, light, energy and evolving consciousness offers much for you to explore!

Prior to incarnating we know that we are each a Divine expression of love. By the time we've been through the process of shifting our light into physicality and taking on the weight of third-dimensional vibrations, we've managed to forget - quite successfully usually - who we REALLY are; the truth of our light. The ride we are now on, which some call Ascension, or Awakening, is the journey home to the conscious awareness of our truth, light and joy.

What can I offer you?

One of my joys is to help facilitate your journey back to the heart of your light so that you might remember and access again all that you are through:

*Fortnightly online meditation sessions to nourish your soul
*Empowering online workshops and webinars to share in the magic of an experiential journey
*Colour Mirrors oils and essences - potent, beautiful, light-infused oils and essences to mirror to you your Divine truth
*Starlights - coloured, scented, blissful essences and oils to connect you with the stars and the cosmic light within
*Books & E-books - information, inspiration and energy transmissions for those who are ready to take flight
*Recorded webinars, audio programmes & videos - sharing life-enhancing insights, teachings, experiences
*Newsletters - sent from time to time to keep you updated on the latest news, information and resources

Underlying all my work is a fundamental sense of complete awe for the journeys we are all taking. This is partnered by a profound sense of gratitude and love for the Earth herself and the Divine energy which guides each of us toward the expression of our own unique light. My energy is that of a catalyst, activating within you what is already there just waiting to be awoken.

What I love about what you do is that you invite us to be fully present, to open to the higher realms of 5D and our own multi-dimensional self, to connect with and anchor the light of love and consciousness on the Earth plane by embodying it and transmuting the blockages within us that obstruct this light. It is very refreshing and nourishing for me. ~ Lena

photo 1640095889747 2090ee12fa7dWorkshops and Meditation Sessions

One of the most potent ways to connect with the light and power of who you really are is to join us on a workshop or regular meditation session. I offer varied online courses, all designed to uplift, inspire and en-lighten your path and remind you of the beauty within you and the joy of living your light on the Earth. 

You will find my current offerings on my Workshops page.

Colour Mirrors

1 36 smallerColour Mirrors is a dynamic, powerful, evolutionary system which uses colour and energy to assist you in realising your own light, lifting your vibration, accelerating your growth, unlocking your potential and recognising your magnificence.  It enhances all healing and transformation processes, but it is also much more than a healing tool.

Colour Mirrors is about attuning you to a higher frequency, enabling and facilitating the shifts you are ready to make. Each of the many radiant colour bottles in the system has its own meaning, its own 'note' or vibration. You will be drawn to some and not others, and your choices will reveal information and insights about yourself and your life. If you want to go deep inside your own light and potential, Colour Mirrors is a key and a guide and, of course, a glorious mirror. It will show you, gently but honestly, where you have been holding yourself back and will then light the way for you to take your next steps.

Find out more about Colour Mirrors.

Colour Mirrors Oils and Essences

P1000064Perhaps you will find yourself drawn to one of the beautiful Colour Mirrors oils and essences to support and guide you in your ongoing awakening to the fullness and joy of being you.

Colour has been used for centuries in healing, offering support to the totality of your being - body, mind and spirit. In Colour Mirrors we have a tool which takes energy and light and vibration and makes them tangible, accessible and real. They become something which we can experience with our human senses as well as our more finely tuned higher aspects. In other words, this is something our bodies can respond to and relate to - and this makes a huge difference to any healing or transformational process.  When we 'get' the shift at a cellular, bodily level, we really get it!

There are many ways to connect with and work with the oils and essences, all of which are designed to assist you in coming more fully into your light and authentic power.  Find out more.

You can view the palette of all the Colour Mirrors Bottles to spend time browsing, or visit the Shop to purchase.


DSC00495In 2012, I was guided to bring through three Starlight energies for a series of workshops to assist the'starry' beings among us to reclaim their stellar brillance and to land their beautiful light on the Earth. The range has continued to grow and now totals 16 sparkling luminescent essences and 8 divine coloured oils made by the wonderful Melissie Jolly.

You can find out more on the Starlights page and view the individual bottles, read their meanings and purchase them in the Shop.


The Wisdom of Colour Mirrors

The Wisdom of Colour Mirrors 3D smThis book is a comprehensive guide to the entire Colour Mirrors system and the spiritual principles upon which it is based. Co-authored with the founder of the Colour Mirrors system, Melissie Jolly, The Wisdom of Colour Mirrors takes you deep inside the system and all it has to offer.

The Wisdom of Colour Mirrors is now available to purchase in the Shop.

The Language of Light

Langoflight 2022 front coverMy first book, "The Language of Light", played a huge part in bringing me to great peace, serenity and enjoyment of life. The writing of this book brought me such joy and tapped into much of the wisdom I have gleaned thus far over my almost 30 years on the spiritual path. It also took me into contact with information and energy from 'the future', and I now integrate its teachings in my everyday life and find they are a path to inspiration, joy, awareness and most of all, ease.

The Language of Light is a blueprint, a template for living your light right here on the planet. The Golden Gaia bottles explored in this book are tools to help re-empower you, bringing you into alignment with your own highest truth and light so that you can live that light in your everyday life.

A Book of Platinum Light E-Book

Platinum Light e-book cover small
A Book of Platinum Light contains seven "Platinum Portals", each of which serves as a gateway to open and expand you into greater awareness so that you might access more of the Divine being you truly are.  These seven Portals relate to the seven Platinum Gaia oils in the Colour Mirrors range.

Each Portal carries a particular vibration that facilitates you in awakening to your vastness.  This book invites you to open to the greater you.  It shares with you the possibilities available when you cease to define and limit yourself and instead acknowledge the infinite beauty and wonder of who you really are.

Colour Conversations: An E-book for Practitioners, Teachers and Friends of Colour Mirrors

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Colour Conversations is a comprehensive guide and resource mainly aimed at those who love, work and play with Colour Mirrors and who wish to take their experience to a deeper level.  On the face of it this e-book is about colour combinations and Colour Mirrors bottles and the ways they interact.  In actual fact it is more about life and the many different lenses through which we can choose to view it, so it will appeal to anyone who would like to explore and make sense of life through the powerful medium of colour.  It takes the form of a lengthy series of conversations I had with Colour Mirrors creator Melissie Jolly over a period of several years.  

Purchase your copy to store on your device or print out for handy reference and to dip into whenever you wish.

Recorded Programmes and Courses

Heart fire smallerWebinars and audio programmes are a great tool because wherever you are in the world, you can tune in and explore various topics which will take you deeper on your spiritual journey.  You can find out more about the audio programmes and webinar series we've gathered together for you on the Courses page and in the Shop.

Free Resources

Here you'll find a selection of resources to take you deeper into the world of colour, light and transformation.

Free Resources